Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sunburn Update

In sunburn news, I no longer have cankles. The swelling in my feet finally went down yesterday – after three whole days of keeping my feet elevated and applying a fresh cold compress every 15 minutes. My mom and grandmother were so worried they made me go to the doctor on Tuesday to get the swelling examined, even though I knew they would just tell me I’d have to wait it out (which they did). But to be honest, I was starting to get a little worried too. I’ve never experienced swelling as a side effect of a sunburn in all my years as a pasty redhead, but apparently it’s quite common.

Of course my latest run-in with the sun has put me behind on my running schedule by four days, which really sucks. I was doing so well the last two weeks and then I had this very preventable setback. I got back out there this morning for a short three-mile run, and it was slow-going. I plan to run three again tomorrow and then jump to 13 on Saturday – let’s hope I can do it!

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow, that is one serious sunburn!

    Good luck on Saturday, of course you can do it!! I won't be there because of work boo!!
